About Us

The Westbury Library Group

Several years ago, there was a proposal to close the majority of libraries in Bristol, including Westbury Library; happily, public opposition led to a reversal of that decision and, despite the subsequent problems caused by the Covid pandemic, we still have a thriving library!

Back in 2017, the Westbury Library Group was formed to help coordinate opposition to library closures. After the immediate danger had been removed, we transformed into the "Friends of Westbury Library" looking to support and develop the role of the library within the community. We ran a number of small Coffee Mornings in the library and worked with SusWoT to create a Community Garden at the side of the building. This was supported by some funding from the Library Service to purchase items such as water butts. In 2021 we were awarded £3000 from the Library Innovation Fund to purchase foldable chairs and a secure outside store, in order for the library to be used to host community events for up to 50 people. This is now in place and enabled us to host meetings of the recently restarted "Westbury Community Forum" as well as other community activities, such as a Crochet Club for teenagers.

This website is intended to provide you with information on the Council's plans for the Bristol Library Service and, in particular, for developments affecting Westbury on Trym. It is important that we as a community are vocal in our response to initiatives, whether in support or in opposition to what is proposed.
We will also include details of activities which are taking place at the library, both with and outside libary hours, and we hope you will support these where possible.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we hope that you will use the "Your Views" section of this site to tell us what you value and what else you want from your library and from the wider service...

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