Library Group AGM

Our last AGM was on Saturday April 27th 2024

This was included as part of our monthly Coffee Morning, so everyone was already equipped with a drink and biscuits! A summary of discussions is given below:

Our regular items of expenditure are our public liability insurance, which we are required to have, and refreshments for our Coffee Mornings and other meetings. Because we act as hosts for the Westbury Forum meetings, which are attended by our Councillors, we are able to apply for funding from the Council of up to £300 each year. Our previous payment was received in November 2022 and covered our expenses for two years, so we will be applying for further funding this year.

  • The Crochet Club for teenagers, which started up last year, continues to thrive and meets in the Library on Wednesday evenings;
  • A number of meetings were held in September/October, looking at energy conservation and alternative home heating systems;
  • The Allotment Society used the premises to hold their AGM and the Community Forum meets on a quarterly basis;
  • The Westbury on Trym Society will be holding a series of talks in the Library, with the first one taking place on May 23rd
Committee Membership
The current membership of the Committee is:
Chairman: Malcolm Neave
Treasurer: Jill Kempshall
Secretary: Mary Neave
Members: Alexia Gardner, Hilary Long, Mini McDonald, Steve Smith

If anyone else would like to join us, they would be very welcome! The duties are pretty light, as we communicate largely by email and meet up two or three times a year.

Future Activities
Finally, some thoughts on the library space... 

The library has been promised a craft table for the Children's area, after the previous one was damaged. This is coming from Horfield, once their furniture is received....
This is now in place and being well used

We should be receiving two comfy chairs and a coffee table, which are currently at Henleaze. This is waiting on delivery by the Council van...

We have been given the go-ahead to put something more colourful in the display cabinet in the entrance to the library, provided it doesn't cause people to congregate in that area(!) The final version will be about 4' by 3' (125 by 100 cm)
The basic poster is now in place and we will be adding items to the display

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